Tonight's spur of the moment blog has come about because my husband decided to post his facebook status as follows:
CONFESSION: I am guilty of leaving the temperature dial on the washing machine on the "WARM" setting. Turns out that by doing this, it throws Steph into some king of crazy, washing machine nazi type of a girl....weird. I just wish she was that passionate about magazines.
I told you all I am like Martha, now you are starting to see... This story begins with our argument that started quite some time ago....
The Horse's Butt has been helping me out a lot for the last four semesters by doing laundry and such around the house. I am NOT ungrateful...quite the contrary. I LOVE this quality. However, sometimes I get a little sideways about the way he goes about it. I try not to complain...really I do. Like, I want the long handled spoons in the top rack of the dishwasher because when I pull the top rack out to empty it, if the long spoons are on the bottom, they catch the top rack. I don't say anything about it until it happens like 10 times and then I usually ask politely if he will put them on the top. Then, he usually continues to put them on the bottom because he doesn't remember me asking and I wind up getting mad and doing something like kicking the dishwasher (I will save that story for another blog). Anyway, on to the washing machine. So, I only wash on cold and hot. Cold for colors, hot for whites. I know there are other settings on there but I don't use them. ESPECIALLY FOR COLORS. The Horse's Butt uses them all. We have had several discussions about hot/cold over the last year or so. Fast forward to our friend Shane's visit several weeks ago. The washing machine thing came up and I mentioned that I have asked him several times to wash on hot or cold. He said I was "smoking crack"! He has NEVER used any other cycle on the washer except hot or cold and he didn't know what I was talking about. Said we had NEVER had a discussion about the use of the temperature knob. Now I was livid about this and tried to remind him of the 50 million convos we have had about this but he wouldn't budge. So, being the calm, collected person that I am, I let it go....for the time being. But I am like an elephant, I never forget.
Now fast forward to today. I am pretty caught up on stuff and the Dizzle family is coming this weekend to stay awhile and bringing my kids home from the farm. So, I start washing bed linens, etc. Lo and behold....the washer is on warm. Now, I haven't been washing clothes lately. So I promptly took a picture (which you see above) so that I can prove to the Horse's Butt that he has earned his nickname. That was this morning and he comes strutting in this afternoon from work. I gave him a while to get settled and went for the jugular.....
Me: "Do you remember that conversation we had when Shane was here about the washing machine cycle and you NEVER put it on warm?"
Him: "Ummmmmm..........vaguely."
I popped out the picture......
I got a little heated after that so I will skip the rest of the dialogue but the bottom line is this: He says he put the washer on warm because he was in a hurry to get the load of laundry done and it will fill up faster, thus washing faster, on warm because the hot and cold then run at the same time. What-eva. Oh, and he also put it on extra rinse at the same time....because apparantly he saved so much time washing it on warm he can use up that extra time in the rinse cycle. Does that make sense? Not to me but what do I know? He maintains that he doesn't remember the argument in the first place. I guess when it all comes down to it, the best defense is denial. He did end the conversation with "I love you." Everytime he does that it makes me smile and I can't help but not be mad anymore. Dang him......I hope Martha has more stamina than I do. I should totally find out how she washes her clothes.
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