Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It takes a village to name a child.....

I have recently been blessed with the knowledge of an impending addition of another member of our family. NO!!!! Not me....my sister-in-law, whom I like to refer to as Lil Mama. Partly because I think it is fitting and partly because she once declared that she would forever be childless. All that changed a year or more ago when she decided that her life needed a little tyrant, I mean little angel. She then turned her focus from declaring war on the corporate world to creating a life. Voila...here we are, five months into the incubating of a sweet little baby. Seeing as how I and Mr. H.B.'s mom are so enamored with babies, I doubt Lil Mama will ever see it once it pops out so I am thrilled!!

Since she is 5 months prego, we do now know that it is a little girl and the planning has begun. We are well into the process of turning Lil Mama from a hard-nosed business woman into a soft-hearted puddle of mush, which we all become once we have our hearts walking around on two sweet little feet outside our bodies. The first problem that we encountered was getting Lil Mama over the "I hate pink so I am going to outfit my little girl in green and blue" issue. Lil Mama has a problem with all things that are girly such as flowery prints, pink, lace, ruffles, and oh yea.....PINK!!! So, the first thing that the Horse's Butt's mom did upon hearing the glorious news of the baby being a girl was to go out and buy a pink blanket and a baby doll. I mean, let's not ease her into this, let's just throw Lil Mama into the middle of the pink lake and let her learn how to swim. Turns out, it didn't make her throw up! This would be success numero uno!!! Yay! Item numero dos was that Lil Mama's best friend bought the baby a sweet little outfit, complete with a giant flower on the butt! Turns out that Lil Mama loved it! Awesome....she's getting there faster than I thought. Item numero tres is the issue of the baby bedding. Since I am a marthawannab, I have convinced Lil Mama that I can make the baby bedding. Don't be scared!!! I made all of the bedding for Drama Queen when she was a baby and several other little one's so I am up for the challenge. The biggest hurdle is getting Lil Mama to steer away from the bedding that is listed under what you would buy for a boy. Not that she wants her baby to be like a boy, she just likes blue, green, brown....you know....colors for a boy! However, after sending several ideas back and forth via email and much searching on her part, she has finally chosen bedding that she likes. And it is adorable! Turns out, it is brown and blue....and covered in flowers. Shows what I know!

All this brings me to the point of this whole blog......the baby name seems to be quite elusive. Turns out, you not only need a village to raise a child, sometimes you need a village to name one. The only names that Lil Mama likes so far are boy names. With the revelation of the ultrasound however, the need for a little girl name has arrived (naturally). For the past few weeks, more and more people have gotten in on the baby naming game. Friends and family members far and wide have been enlisted to submit their favorite girl names in hopes that the "right" name pops up. We all know just how important this decision is. Mr. H.B. fully believes that a name makes a person. For once, I agree with him (somewhat). It is entirely feasible that there is a gorgeous girl out there somewhere named Myrtle but I have yet to meet her. If you know her, please send me a pic. I will gladly send her a tide stain stick (sorry, that's all I got). I desperately feel, along with Nonna, that this baby needs a name now. I have to have something to call her instead of just "baby". The urge to name the little buggar has gotten stronger the past few days and there are names coming out of the woodwork. Tonight, I had Lil Mama on the phone, Mr. H.B. in the recliner googling names, and both Drama Queen and Game Head firing off whatever the names of the kids in their classes were. It was all mayhem and madness on the baby naming front until Lost came on to take Lil Mama away and the kids headed off to bathe and get to bed. There are lists lying all around me like dead bodies of baby names. Yet, we are still at ground zero. Baby naming, as it seems, is a battle field. I seem to remember something like this happening when I was prego with Drama Queen but I am trying to block it out.

So, with no name that is a "go" yet and a baby getting bigger every day, I submit the rules for naming our little cutie....

1. The name cannot be the same as a friend, ex, dog, friend's kid, city, or month.

2. It has to have two syllables.

3. If possible, the first name should end in ....lyn (cause we want it to)

4. If possible, should not be a routine, popular, trendy name. This little girl should have a name that is all her own.

I am sure there are more rules but my eyes are blurred from looking at the web pages and web pages of baby names and the number 4 above is starting to look like a 14. I think I may need to consult Martha on this. I'll bet she would have an answer.....

*I got this image from http://www.tottiteaz.com/new.html and I am totally buying this for little whatever her name will be!

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