Friday, March 26, 2010

Dizzles in a can

For those of you who don't know who the Dizzles are, they consist of my sister and her family.  They are on the way from the big N.O. to visit for spring break and are bringing my kids back from Nonna's (H.B.'s mom) where they have been for the past two weeks farming and living the country life.  They also got to visit with my family so they have made the rounds.  Man, I have missed the little buggars!  I gotta get my Martha-ness going because I have been living the kid-less, partying life for the last two weeks.  It's tough getting back in the groove of things and now we are gonna have a house full.  I am SO looking forward to it.  Really I am ;)

So, the Dizzles consist of my sister, her man and their three kids.  I seriously don't know how the Dizzle names originated but it must be from her man's obsession with rappers or something because he named them all except himself.  My sister is Madizzle and her kids are Bdizzle, Mcdizzle, and Pdizzle who is the newest little Dizzle.  Now, her man is named by Bdizzle.  Yes, I know......strange.  Anyhow, I am just mad that I couldn't name them but I have been threatened within an inch of my life if I do.  Now the Dizzles are crammed in car with Game Head and Drama Queen and all of their belongings like sardines in a can.  This is mainly due to the fact that Nonna's BFF was gracious enough to give Drama Queen lots of clothes and there is only so much room that 7 people (one of them being a baby) and all their belongings can cram into.  They are in good spirits however....I have gotten plenty o updates on the states of the little fishes as they make their way along the 7 hr or so ride.  They are sure to all be in a joyous mood when they get here....bwahahahahahaha!!!  Well, I can hope so anyway.  I am just so very thankful the Madizzle and Funkidated for bringing my babies home.  I am on pins and needles waiting.  Be on the look out for some pretty good blogs coming up as I am sure the next week or so is going to be rich with all kinds of things to blog about.  Now, I am off to consult with Martha's website to see the best way to deal with a house full of company.....Surely she can help me out.  After the end of the week, she may be able to learn a thing or two from me!  :) 

1 comment:

  1. K, so I have been corrected...It is FunkiTated. Excuse me...;)
